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Site Visibility and Privacy

There are several privacy settings on WordPress that let you decide who has access to your site. You can update these at any point. To do so, go to Dashboard > Settings > Reading and scroll down to Site Visibility.

The options are as follows [with explanations of each option included in square brackets]:

  • Allow search engines to index this site [your site is public and will likely show up in a Google search, or similar]
  • Discourage search engines from indexing this site [your site is public, but will likely not show up in a search]
  • Visible only to registered users of this network [you must have a Bucknell login to access the site; anyone with a Bucknell login can access your site if they have the URL; this is the most common option if you want the site private but you also want to share it within Bucknell]
  • Visible only to registered users of this site  [you must have a Bucknell login and be added as a User of the site in order to access it]
  • Visible only to administrators of this site [you must have a Bucknell login and be added as an Administrator of the site in order to access it]

Important takeaways: The top two options mean that the site is public and the bottom three options mean that you need a Bucknell login in order to access the site. You can update your Site Visibility at any time.

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